正宗的日本打击乐器 – FXpansion Kabuki And Noh Percussion v1.0.0 WiN / OSX


FXpansion Kabuki And Noh Percussion v1.0.0 WiN / OSX | 4.84 Gb

歌舞伎和能乐结合了歌舞伎和能乐表演的情感、庄严和神秘,以及手鼓的回响,歌舞伎和能乐打击乐包括56种正宗的日本打击乐器,包括传统手鼓、音调鼓、钟、锣和音乐盒,以及能乐长笛和正宗的声乐主题。还包括在歌舞伎表演中至关重要的足部节拍和tsukeuchi声效拍板。这些乐器是由日本传统打击乐大师望月武野(Takinojo Mochizuki)演奏的,左/右交替敲击,最高可达99个速度层。


Combining the emotions, grandeur and mystery of Kabuki and Noh performances with the reverberations of tapped hand drums, Kabuki & Noh Percussion features 56 authentic Japanese percussion instruments including traditional hand drums, pitched drums, bells, gongs and music boxes alongside Noh flute and authentic vocal motifs. Also included are the ashibyoshi foot beats and tsukeuchi sound-effect clappers crucial to Kabuki performance. The instruments are played by master traditional Japanese percussionist Takinojo Mochizuki with alternating left/right hits and up to 99 velocity layers.

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